GEAPS Exchange Seeks Conference Presenters

GEAPS Exchange Seeks Conference Presenters
GEAPS Exchange Set for February 25-28 in Kansas City
Plans are underway for GEAPS Exchange, the best and biggest event in the grain industry. The event will take place February 25-28 in Kansas City, MO.
GEAPS Exchange Educational Programming Committee is at work planning educational programming and calling for proposals from presenters. Individuals who attended this year’s event know GEAPS once again raised the bar, delivering great information from experts in their fields to so many attendees.
With your help, the EPC hopes to offer an even better educational slate at next year’s event. GEAPS seeks dynamic speakers interested in sharing new ideas, products or services with the grain industry. Themes this year include but are not limited to the below.
- A entire track of education focused on maintenance. We are looking for presenters who can share their expertise on preventative and predictive maintenance. We also plan on hosting a variety of sessions, both informational and hands-on and encourage anyone interested in checking out the full list of maintenance topics here
- Employee Development and Wellness are an important topic in the industry today and we are looking for speakers who can speak on topics associated with succession planning, recruiting new employees, mental health in the workplace, change management and more.
- As always, we strive to provide a wealth of knowledge to our attendees and are also looking for speakers to submit ideas on grain quality, safety, new ideas and products, cyber security and energy management.
GEAPS Member Randy Bowman serves as chairman of GEAPS’ EPC.
“I’m very excited for what Exchange will offer in 2023,” Bowman said. “We are looking for timely, relevant education on topics like equipment maintenance, facility design, safety and much more. We want to provide information people will take back home to make their facilities and employees better and safer.”
John Smith | Farmers Cooperative Co
Could your skills, experience and knowledge make next year’s Exchange even better? You are encouraged to apply! For more information, visit
The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) is an international professional association of grain handling and processing professionals. GEAPS addresses the industry’s critical grain handling, storage and processing operations needs by providing networking, professional development programs and access to a global marketplace of industry suppliers. GEAPS’ global network includes more than 2,700 individual members from about 1,050 companies. Join our network today!
Jessica Foster
Communications Manager